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How it works: The Reinforced Support Knitted Sports Knee Brace provides stability for the knee
Cicatrex Capri Pants Large choice of solutions. 20 different models available for most body parts to
Cotton Bandage Short Stretch
Cotton Bandage Short Stretch Non Elastic bandage. This accessory can be used in combination with
Reinforced ankle support
How it works: The Thuasne Reinforced Ankle Support maintains the ankle joint during sports
- Adjustable compression: adjustable, short-stretch, inelastic thigh compression system. - Full
Flexideal Short Stretch
Flexideal Short-stretch inelastic bandage 65% stretching at a force of 45 cN/cm
LigaStep FIX Walker Immobilisation: 90° rigid aluminium lateral uprights provide strong support
Dynacross Activity
Dynacross Activity Reinforced lombar-abdominal support belt Flexible support thanks to its flexible